Reruns, Memory and Communication

Question: Why are I Love Lucy, Gilligan’s Island, and The Andy Griffith Show considered the best loved television shows of the fifties and sixties?
The Likely Answer: They’ve been in syndication and therefore in a near constant state of rerun for 50+ years. That keeps it fresh in people’s memories.

Radio didn’t fare as well.
In general, radio had no real technical way to rerun, especially after the invention of television. My father, who lived through those days (high school class of ’50), talks of how fun the old days of radio were, but only in very general terms. Almost no specific shows come to mind. Science fiction, mystery, sports recaps, news, his mother’s soap operas, westerns, etcetera. Why nothing specific?

I’d argue: No reruns.
Now, here’s my point, though maybe a little skewed:

Suppose you are a marketer of your life as a show. What kind of show is it? I don’t mean science fiction, mystery, western, adventure, et al (latin for “and the rest”). I mean marketing-wise how are you communicating across your networks that you are available to help others?
Are you selling a radio show that’s heard once and enjoyed once or are you selling a television show that’s in syndication, with episodes repeating every few months?

Communication across your networks needs to be like a rerun: Offering help to those that may not need it, but will remember that you asked. In the words of the great Seth Godin: “When all jobs are commoditized, what will be left? Trust. Only trust.” Who are you going to trust, and who trusts you?”

Your friends.
Communicate regularly (quarterly, per Manager Tools: Building Your Network [this podcast can change your life for the better, listen, listen and listen some more, I’ve heard it 5 times, going on 6]) with each friend in your network(s) (personal friends, LinkedIn colleagues, Facebook school chums and Twitter followers). You can help them in ways unimagined! They can help you too, but it starts with you. Give, give, and give some more. It’s all about relationships!

All you need to do is communicate better than everyone else (and they’re all particularly BAD at it)! My network is presently at 1% communicating to me first! I hope it gets better, but no luck so far.


Charles McCrumb, Office Automation Expert
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Your Permanent Record

As we all know, when growing up (at least in the United States) there was a term that would endanger our thoughts all through school: The permanent record. Only after reaching the age of eighteen did we realize: There’s no such thing.

Your “record” or your “public reputation” starts over, to be or to change as you see fit.

Until now.

On this week’s cross-threaded adventure: You’re permanent record.
My snarky remarks will be in RED. I’ll mostly snark my own thoughts though, so please don’t mind me…

A TED Education speech by Juan Enriquez: Your online life, permanent as a tattoo (

For verification of this: The Manager-Tools (Professional) MySpace and Facebook Part 1 Podcast ( And Part 2 (

Your reputation matters!
Events from the past (of course they’re from the past, you can’t go the other way!) will overtake any reputation you have tried to build for yourself in the present. Looking for a job at a big corporation? Forget it! They saw something you didn’t want them to see (drunk/naughty pictures, harsh opinions or rough words), and they have formed an opinion about you: “alcoholic-indiscreet, dangerously unaware) liability”. Employers are NEVER looking to hire liabilities! They have enough problems. With the legal environment the way it is now, it’s a wonder anyone hires anyone else!

FOR GOD’S SAKE DON’T YOU EVER POST A PICTURE OF YOURSELF WITH A BEER IN YOUR HAND!!! And certainly no naked/naughty pictures! (Yes, yes, I know, “Well DUH!”, but some folks don’t know. Some will never learn, and some will know, but do it anyway. You can’t save EVERYONE!  Just try not to live next door to them when they go off, or you’ll be saying “He was always such a quiet man…”

I know you can’t control what your friends post, but try to pass the message around: It’s PUBLIC SPACE! (I can’t make that BOLD ENOUGH!!!)

Facebook is trying to lock down what things can be seen by strangers, but that’s a problem too: An employer will perceive you as someone that’s hiding something bad. That profile page is for private use of you and your friends and family, but is it REALLY safe from view by strangers? (Let me snark this thought by saying: NO! It’s NOT!)

Sure, it’s illegal for employers and recruiters to look at prospective employees’ MySpace and Facebook page(s). They will (and do) do so anyway, and it’s impossible for you to trace. The Internet has an extremely long memory. Your stuff is OUT THERE! It’s NOT GOING ANYWHERE and you need to assume that it’s NOT private AT ALL!!!

Clean up your page!
The basic purpose of social networks is public viewing, and allows (and I’d argue: forces) people to draw conclusions. Clean it up!

Be careful of what you say, and how you say it!
Watch the language you use in your postings and pay attention to the things you respond to. Be discerning about the pages you “like“.

Keep your politics to yourself.

Your Internet presence is your PUBLIC résumé. Try to treat it with a little respect. If not, At some point it WILL Come back and BITE YOU!!!

Be careful folks. As we’ve all heard for years “The Internet is a dangerous place”.

I’ll add a short bit to the end of that: It remains so, and in ways unimagined.


Charles McCrumb, Office Automation Expert
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Skype: charles.mccrumb
Bus: (626) 593-6700

OMG! I Just Can’t Believe It!

Hello All!

Several months ago, I posted the following on my personal Facebook page. It had no noticeable effect whatsoever on it’s intended audience. That very day, almost verbatim I found at least 2 different posts: “OMG!”, “I just can’t believe it!” and of course “What happened?”.

Please feel free to post it for your status on your pages too (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Maybe we can get real communication back into the social networks, if there ever was any (?).

Here’s the note:

“Dear friends and family,
Please don’t post ‘OMG!’, or ‘I just can’t believe it!’, or some such. Begging and leading, waiting for 20 people to ask back ‘What happened Hon?’ It’s not fair or kind, to waste the time of people that you supposedly ‘like’.

Just spit out what you’re trying to say.

Or don’t post.

Rant over.”

Good luck to us all.

Cheers! 😎

Charles McCrumb
Small Business IT Project Analyst, Office Automation Expert
Herbert, McCrumb & Associates
We can make ANY business work BETTER!
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